Friday, June 3, 2011

Internship Survival 101

This is not for my good friends who are away on paid holidays (Read Foreign "Research" internships) and those who love what they do (Read Coding,Marketing,I-Banking).It is for the rest of them,burdened either by the excess of work,or the lack of it,and for the others who just don't want to work.For those forlorn faces,I hereby present IS 101-How to not kill yourself (or others) at an internship.

Internet-God Forbid,if your office desk does not have Internet Access.Plead,Beg,Request,Pain-Do whatever you can to jugaad-o-fy a connection for both your desk and your room.If you are some place in the middle of nowhere where they have plants and shit,You bet you are gonna need it.As it turns out,you might need it for the rest of this course also.

Angry Birds-If you are not yet a fan,good for you.Chances are,you are not yet bored of this awesome awesome game.When boredom sets in,Shoot those damn chickens.

Game of Thrones and Wire-Two epic awesome must watch T.V series.Apart from them,If you haven't watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Prisonbreak yet,again,Good for you-Watch them.But Seriously, Ab tak nahi dekha??? WTF

At Work 1-Please please build a good rapport with your Guide.Project your sincerity,Ask him questions,exhibit fake keenness and interest and show him your ugly face regularly,so that you can bunk later and have extended weekends.If he is strict and distant,which is very rarely the case,it is your extreme bad luck.Sorry Rahega.

At Work 2-In most places,Projects allotted are good and challenging,requiring about 20-25 days of sincere efforts.It is the rest of the time,which you can use to just familiarise yourself with the work ethic.If you feel like,you are dispensable and not needed on a particular day,Dispense yourself (Read Bunk with intelligence).

Ebooks and Novels-If you like to read,you can read E-books in office.It is a geeky suggestion but then,who are we kidding,Aren't we all Nerds??

Fellow Interns-No matter how stupid,irritating,dumb or not your types they seem,Be friendly with them.Chances are they might discover a cool hangout in a Klutz of a place,and not take you with them.Be as gay and hooliganistic as you can be.All IITians dig that.
If you have female interns at your place,Summon all your charms as they are the keys to civilization you possess.If they are ugly,Don't look at them,but talk to them.If they are pretty-Shame on you for being a guy,if you need this post to tell you what to do.

Travel and Tourism-Visit nearby destinations and fully explore the city you are in,India is not such a bad place after all.But don't put up their pics on Facebook please.Apparently,other people have gone to Europe and The States.Don't kid yourself.

Movies-This is Golden Advice.Catch every (Read every) movie that is releasing this summer.Apparently there are some that give you "inner peace" and "horror filled tiltilation".It might be heavy on the wallet but extremely light on the mind.Dhinka-Chika-Dhinka-Chika

Finally,Since you are there for an extended length of time.Learn something.Keep your eyes and other observational anatomy open and you might even gain something from it.Don't shirk work,only shirk office when there is not much to do.


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