Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10 places where the New Season of Two and a Half Men falters

It has been seven weeks since the 9th season of "Two and a Half Men" began and I must now confess,that indeed,the show is a pale shadow of itself without the alcohol addict,drug addict,effortlessly charming womanizer that Charlie Sheen was.Ashton Kutcher tries hard but the show is yet to really take off and is even beginning to disappoint.

Too much build up: Even after 7 episodes you still end up feeling that the season has only just begun.It is understood that justifying where Walden came from and how does Alan,predictably,stick up with him,would take some time and I give Chuck Lorre that.But even beyond that,the show seems to be going nowhere.It has become really slow and sluggish for a sitcom.
Walden Schmidt : He is immature,he is handsome,he is rich and lovable and yet he does not seem to be coming out strong.The angle about his wife leaving him and him continuously crying about it is not funny at all and tends to make him look like Alan,which is not good at all."Men" needs Walden as a strong central character,who is "No Holds Barred" and not the  naive and sometimes stupid sissy that he currently is.I see some signs of him evolving into that,but again it has all been really slow.
Too much Alan Harper : When the show began,you felt sorry for Alan and his episodes with women.Slowly he evolved into an irritating and miserly pest who would not leave his brother's house.Charlie would insult him and we all would laugh because yes,he deserved all that.It was always about him being a pest and Charlie keeping him in his rightful place.However during this buildup,he has to hold the show together,which sadly is beyond him.With no one to make fun of him anymore,he tries doing so himself and ends up overdoing it.Alan is somebody who makes you want to pull your hair out and hence,is unbearable for an extended length of time.
Jake Harper,Grow up : The kid was adorable,stupid and it was funny when you made fun of his toilet habits.But now he is 17-18 years old.Enough with the fart-burp-poop jokes already.He is beginning to cut a sorry picture like the rest of the characters on the show and desperately needs a revival.His dumb antics when he was kid were indeed endearing but he never became the womanizer that Charlie had trained him for,in all these years.Jake used to lift the show earlier,now he is just an under used and redundant character.
The Charlie Jokes : There is too much of crude humour lambasting Charlie Sheen which sounded funny earlier on.You could hear what people really thought of him,after he died and it sounded interesting.But now the jokes reek of some kind of personal vendetta that Lorre holds against him and hence,it is so not cool.Moreover it makes you miss him,all the more.
Berta Oh Berta : Her punches are mostly top class and she could do so much more.As of now,she seems to be a content character,who is enjoying her time in the house,not bothered by,and indifferent to whatever is going on.We could do with a little more Alan bashing from Berta's side.
Will everyone stop hooking up with Walden : Yes,we love the random beautiful hotbods who used to be a feature of the show in the good old days.But Alan's wife,then Berta's fantasies and now Alan's repugnant mother-Please make the show a little hotter and not sicker.
Bridget and the need for a new woman : The women have accentuated the show's humour be it the excellent and psychotic stalker that Kate was,or the ample bossomed beauty that Chelsea was.The show needs a new female character,preferably someone hot.Bridget needs more screen time and please do not let her go the ex-hating and ex-insulting way that Jake's mom has.
A Character whom you  do not feel sorry for: There have to be different people,who react differently to create funny situations and laugh riots.As of now,all the 3 "MEN" have similar shades and are stuck in loser limbo.Preferably Walden or even Jake could shake that off and become cooler and likable.
The Essence of the show : It was also about promiscuity,hooking up with women,inappropriate and yet hilariously funny sexual banter.It would be unfair to the characters above but Charlie really did BRING IT  to the show.Try and get that back.It would not be what it was,but it will still be better than what I have currently being forced to watch,week after week

We miss you Charlie Harper.

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