Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Tale of Hope....

Promises are made to be broken...A really cliched line,but I guess nothing else explains my disappearance better.I had"promised"to be back soon but alas,the bane of lethargia caught up with me.With sincere apologies to my readers(if there are any),I again"PROMISE"to be more regular.

Well,I happened to see a movie lately.Being a fan of movies that are thought provoking and that deal with the various intricacies of the human pysche,this one immediately struck a chord with me."Shawshank Redemption",begins with the conviction of Andy Defrain,an Investment banker,for the brutal double murder of his wife and her alleged lover.He is awarded a life sentence,despite the weapon of assault never being recovered.Andy pleads innocent but the motive is too strong for the judge to ignore.

Andy is then moved to Shawshank Prison,a notorious and depressing prison where brutality is commonplace.The world woven inside the four walls of that jail is what fascinated me initially.The first night is deemed to be the most difficult.All alone,in the shit-hole sized prison cell,and with no one to talk to,nothing left but all the time in the world to pass.I simply shudder to think of a prisoner's state of mind then.Andy braved the first night.He didn't break down.He had a quiet demeanour and was at peace with himself at first.Slowly but surely,he was getting used to the'Shawshank' way of life.

He befriends REDS-a man known to smuggle things into jail and acquires a rock-hammer from him..He becomes assistant librarian and revamps the library by his persistent efforts.By helping prisoners,guards and even the Warden in accounts and tax related stuff,he earns respect among the staff and the prisoners.In all this time,deep down,he hopes for freedom in the future - a hope he tries to pass on to the other prisoners. He never stops believing in life's possibilities, but to make the most of them he needs to be free.He cherishes a dream of going to Mexico one day.I just love the theme-line of this movie"Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free".
In due course he helps the Warden in his tax frauds,plotting for revenge and his own escape all the way.

The narratives by Reds,that run throughout the movie,are touching to say the least.Life's simple truths and things about jail that we have never thought of,have been said with such normalcy and honesty that it immediately appeals,straight to the heart.Also,the interaction between Reds and Andy serve as one of the several high points in this movie.

But this is not a "fancy" film.A very quiet storyline with minimum of drama is what sets it apart.It sticks to the story it is telling without resorting to flashy tricks to grab the audience's attention.The gutsy and astonishing escape of Defrain keeps the viewer hooked and waiting with bated breath.Its captivating subplots,superb acting,poignant narratives makes it a must watch despite the story being a simple one.The main theme is hope, not despair, and the violence serves only as a backdrop to that message.It affected me deeply,filling me with lots of hope and will to fight adversity.Unashamedly a feelgood movie, By the end one is wishing only that it would continue for a few more moments.

A touching tale of hope and courage,graced with great depth and commitment- An uplifting must-see movie.Arguably the best movie ever not to have won an oscar,it is ranked first on the list of IMDB'S top 250 movies of all time.Please watch it...Take my word..U'll love it.


  1. I have been thinking of watchin this movi sinc a long tim, but aftr reading this wonderfully written review, i guess i need 2 wind up with dis muvi pretty soon..indeed vry well written

  2. a nice equipped tale of a genius brain,well i really respect ur feelings,every true indian should have it.

  3. Your description makes me more eager 2 watch dis movie....its rilly touching n ur narration is commendable..


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